Big ups to my gal, Kendall
This past week in Gainesville, FL was a pop culture paradise — at least it was for me. Specifically, it was filled with a Kendall Jenner 818 Tequila night, Super Bowl shenanigans and larger-scale, almost exclusively female watch parties for The Bachelor. This all went down in some of my college town’s favorite places. One of them is a bar called The Swamp. No judgments.
Being in college is fun
So let’s start from the beginning, because this story actually starts with The Grammys.
I was an excited Grammy watcher this year because my favorite artist, SZA, had the most nominations. Seeing her win and run to the stage — in addition to giving one of the cutest acceptance speeches — filled me with joy. I was literally sitting in my bed smiling and clapping for her. Not even to mention that her performance was top tier.
Then things at that show turned up a notch.
When Taylor Swift won album of the year, for the fourth time — and then decided to announce her new album. A masterful PR move, everyone has had some thoughts and opinions on it. Personally, and I may be biased, but I thought that it could have been more graciously handled. And that’s not me being a cliche Taylor-Swift-shade-thrower either.
To put it into a sports analogy: it’s like being up by 50 in the last few minutes of the Super Bowl — and still throwing it deep for another touchdown. And then going for the two-point conversion once you hit paydirt.
Look, you Can’t Knock that woman’s Hustle. Yet, to go up there and say “This is my 13th Grammy,” and then proceed with an album announcement? It’s either her advocating for her fan base or something else that’s perhaps more in the realm of a shortfall in self-awareness. Just saying: if I were an artist in the crowd (especially going against her) I would be a bit salty at the least.
But I digress.
Speaking of impromptu speeches: We cannot let this article go without mentioning Jay-Z. When accepting the Dr. Dre Global Impact Award, which was well deserved. Once on stage with his daughter, he used it as a well-placed opportunity to address the Academy and their selection process — essentially calling out powers-that-be for what appears to be a somewhat rigged system.
There is no doubt as to the accuracy of Jay-Z’s statements. Not that I know much about the Grammy selection process, but it would seem that some of the selections are basically rubber stamped.
Jay-Z also went on to say that some artists don't belong in certain categories. And I agree. He continued by saying that some artists are robbed (which is basically par for the course in every awards situation, boxing split decisions included. Shout out Pernell Whitaker).
For example, SZA not winning Album of the Year was crazy to me. She was unquestionably robbed. Her album, SOS, broke records… many of them. Midnights, however, is decent … maybe … at best.
Back to the festivities in Gainesville.
Chaos started on a Tuesday night when my good friend, Jane, came over to watch the latest episode of The Bachelor on Hulu. She asked me, “Guess who is coming to Gainesville tomorrow?” (She prefaced the question with the fact that I couldn’t tell anyone).
For the gram
Alas, Kendall Jenner was rumored to visit Gainesville after being in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and Athens, Georgia. She is on a college tour promoting her tequila brand, 818.
The next day Jane and I went to the two college bars that she was rumored to be at: The Swamp and Social. We initially went to The Swamp, but after scoping out the scene we decided that Social would be an upgrade. Not that The Swamp isn't a great bar, but it is much smaller — and the crowd that night was pumping — so we wanted the additional energy.
We got to Social and it was a madhouse. The bar was swarming with people wearing 818 merch (no comment). Per the usual, we then uncomfortably stood at the bar for over an hour, waiting for the celebrity guest of the night.
Fit is fire, king
And there she was.
Seeing Kendall Jenner in person was a surreal experience. Watching someone on TV for a decade and then seeing them in person (in Gainesville of all places) is crazy to say the least. By the way, she is just as pretty in person as she is on screen.
Hypeness in full effect
But I digress.
After the celebrity sighting, Jane and I went to a local spot called Relish — where I sat and ate a fantastic burger that was life changing (at least it was at that moment). We then went back to Social and finished the night off recapping what we just witnessed. As mentioned earlier, I’m a fan.
And I can’t lie: I think that it’s safe to say that we were utterly starstruck. Jane got a photo with Kendall (and got posted on her Instagram). I did not, but it’s okay. I can still live with the memory of seeing Kendall in my own college town (which is more than most can say).
A couple days later it was the day that practically all of America was waiting for: Aka the Super Bowl. A couple friends and I were headed to The Swamp. Amazingly, it was actually my first time really celebrating the Super Bowl too.
Super Bowl Night Feeling All Right
>So Will, Elizabeth and I sat down at 4 o’clock to guarantee a table. Staying true to our collegiate status, a couple of hours before kickoff, we played Bullshit (also my new favorite game). And after ample pitchers of Strawberry Basil Lemonade things, it was time for kickoff.
Everyone at Swamp was super focused as soon as the Super Bowl started (besides some, me included, who were really only there for the halftime show. Shout out to Usher, Lil’ John, Ludacris and crew).
Most of the bar was rooting for the 49ers, which was the opposite of what I expected. I was also rooting for the Niners, solely for the reason that I am mostly an anti-Swifty.
Disclaimer: I do not hate Taylor Swift. I just think that she is way overrated. And there are many artists who produce better, more electric albums — and looks — that go unappreciated every year. Stand up, Beyonce, amongst many others. Some people might say that’s show business sometimes. Big ups to Jay-Z for saying otherwise.
Anyways, this year’s Super Bowl halftime show was so entertaining. Everyone at Swamp was singing along and having the time of their lives. And I was right there with them.
As it turned out, my friends and I ended up having to leave the Swamp a little early (right when OT hit). We then went back to my apartment and enjoyed the rest of the evening with homemade cocktails and some good music (Said good music was provided by my dear neighbor and good friend, Maximo Toledo. He plays around with house music and he’s amazing).
For the win
Later on, I heard that the Kansas City Chiefs won. A dynasty in the making. Patrick Mahomes as the new GOAT. Tom Brady lookout. John Hamm and all the other celebrity KC fans repping it.
And to top it off, Travis Kelce did not propose. But it’s good that he didn't — because a proposal at the end of the Super Bowl carries the same energy as Taylor Swift's Grammy acceptance speech. Besides, our main man Killa Trav had a raucous postgame celebration to spearhead.
Champagne War
Additionally, seeing all of the forlorn 49ers on the sidelines was so incredibly sad: Sitting there being showered with red and gold confetti after such a close game would definitely be depressing. I know the feeling though. I was a competitive cheerleader for the majority of my childhood and being second is worse than being last. As Abby Lee Miller of Dance Moms says “second is the first to lose.”
Championship belts in full effect
Now onto other bachelors.
Things were looking up for Jane and I because not only did we have The Swamp’s Bachelor nights ahead, but we had a week with back-to-back episodes.
Now, I will be so honest and tell you I was way too hungover Monday to go to Bachelor Monday at Swamp. However, there was also Bachelor Tuesday.
Sidenote: A couple weeks prior, when Jane and I were watching The Bachelor at my place, she nominated me to be on the next season’s show. While the idea is cute and fun, it really isn't something that I could take seriously. I can hardly take the women on the show seriously.
They are so frivolous in the way that they are willingly dating the same man as 30 other gals. I look at women like that, because I know women like that, and I call them hopeless romantics. Moreover, I genuinely feel that most of the women on The Bachelor are Swifties. It just makes sense that they would be. So yeah. Don’t put me in that bucket.
Back to Bachelor nights at The Swamp.
Thinking about that Fantasy Suite Spritz like whoa
On Tuesday, I woke up more ready than ever for The Bachelor. I slept for 14 hours and watched the Monday night episode as soon as I woke up. I went with Jane and two new friends, Caroline and Katie. Surprisingly, there were a decent amount of men at The Swamp watching The Bachelor. I thought The Bachelor was for the girls. I guess it swings to a far broader audience.
I felt a real sense of community when I realized that every person at The Swamp was cheering and booing for the same women that I was. Do all women think the same?
We all kind of look the other way with Sydney and Lea (No question that we all know our own version). We love Daisy and Maria — because we cherish the ones of our own. And most of all we all love Joey (even if his eyes are kinda yellow).
I think these past 10 days have been the most eventful of my senior year thus far. As graduation approaches, I find myself constantly trying to take advantage of every opportunity to grow, experience and breathe-things-in a bit more.
Vibes on vibes
Happy to report that in the past 10 days, I have done that to the fullest.
In closing, I recently bought my cap and gown for graduation and it still doesn't feel real. I don't know if it will for a while. Many friends that I've spoken to who have already graduated say that it still doesn't feel real for them — six months or even a year after.
Between The Grammys, the Super Bowl, The Bachelor — and tequila-fueled Jenner sightings — it was a crazy last 10 days. And I can’t deny it: There was a major sense of community that permeated all of these events. Feels good.
From the big game to cult TV watching, everyone collectively joining together for the same thing was so memorable. It makes me wonder what other kinds of events give off that collective community vibe. At least there’s the next Super Bowl and likely another celebrity-backed cocktail launch party to look forward to.
Paige Marquez currently attends the University of Florida and is a CKTH Ambassador