Jan 01, 2020

The enclosed photograph was taken by my Mother during JFK's only post-inauguration visit to San Diego, CA on June 6, 1963. As the President’s motorcade passed by, my Grandmother held the sign: WELCOME PRESIDENT KENNEDY.

Dear World:

Can’t Knock The Hustle aka like Welcome President Kennedy.

In other words, even though love conquers in the end (aka Amor Vincit), don’t view someone's "hustle" with hate.

Like it or not, true hustle is like gravity: It simply is what it is.

To be clear, the word “hustle” has been somewhat abused as of late. We need to hear less about the fake founders and self-perceived influencers — and more about the Real Dealers: Aka: The Authors, the Artists, the Teachers, the Doctors, the Nurses and the PhD’s.

Good leadership is worth a follow.

Anyways, US Presidents or otherwise, everyone gets it in the end. Days are long but years are short.

Just don’t hate (at least not for too long). It jams up the senses.

In the early goings of the last century, both sides of my Irish and Italian clans became “American” via Ellis Island (And, even coming from Ireland, many spoke more Gaelic than they did English).

Decades later, our household adopted the ideals that JFK represents: Families rise, the "American Dream" exists and it’s everyone’s responsibility to do their homework and ultimately make their community a better place (Bootleggers or not, those Kennedys lived with style and exuded grace under pressure).

Within these ideals, how to make it in America has a blueprint. The fruits of working hard, loving life and giving thanks transcend platitudes. In victory and in defeat, the truth and the authentic hustle of those in the arena, can never be re-written.

Today, similar to the era of Ellis Island, new generations across the globe are adopting a different Hustle and Flow. The Eat, the Pray and the Love will come later.

Have an ethos, get involved, make good art and keep it moving: From the Declaration of Independence to JFK’s last day in Dallas to Muhammed Ali defending his beliefs and then losing his belt. Manifest destiny, kid.

Whether you're paying your bills or just getting by, living with your parents or buying a second home, everyone is entitled to dream big and want more than the obvious script. And the most surefire way to live your desired story is to keep writing it.

As an organization, CKTH is geared to have fun, to work hard and to live and love life to the fullest. That’s the plan.

However, CKTH is also built in the spirit of Mike Tyson’s quote: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Been there, done that. Got the T-shirt. Onto the next one.

Like in 1941, 2001 or in 2008, another new normal is upon us.

Post COVID-19, people today are forced to go all-in with no other recourse but to be results minded. That’s the way it is for every organization — including our perfectly imperfect nation and beyond.

Above points considered, for this new Company, it’s like John Paul Jones said, “we’ve only just begun to fight.” CKTH is still in its nascency.

In America’s case, we’re around 245 years old and counting -- and I think it’s safe to say that we’re just beginning to understand the realities that Mother Nature has thrust upon us.

American or not, everyone needs to adapt to navigating this brave new world. Today’s rate of change is too swift for containment and too bold for ivory tower stewardship.

Politics aside, today’s landscape would most likely benefit from a healthy amount of Welcome President Kennedy.

Like everyday, today is the most important moment of your life.

Keep doing your homework. Keep wearing sunscreen. Have a cocktail if you like and smoke if you got ‘em.

Just don’t hate — or lose the plot as an individual who has the ability to affect change.

Let’s make the most of it.


John V. Campbell, CKTH Founder & CEO