Dec 19, 2023


Can’t knock the hustle like an NFL 23 Week 14 and Monday Night Football episode of #ckth2things with the one and only, West Philly Hippie. Aka: Two things. Two questions. And one prediction. Amongst others, today’s topics include: 


Question 1: 

Who is gonna call it like it is with Draymond Green? He is an all-time NBA Champion and competitor. And the Warriors would not have even made the finals — let alone secured their rings without his fiery ways. Player safety is always important — but let’s not stand here and act like this wasn’t something that happened on nearly a nightly basis during the NBA’s 1990s.


Question 2: 

Are the Lakers betraying their Championship code by hanging the wrong kind of banner? We all give LeBron James his due respect and praise — but the only banner ceremonies should be for the Larry O’brien Trophy.


Eagles Recap: 

Andre analyzes how and why the Philadelphia Eagles have lost three straight. Can’t Knock The Hustle of Jalen Hurts though. And hoping to see the #birdgang get back to their winning ways this upcoming week.

As always, big ups and much respect to Andre for bringing the energy and sharing the knowledge. Tap into the ⁠@westphillyhippie⁠ and ⁠@thegoodoledayssports⁠ podcast for more expert analysis. 

Cheers and enjoy.